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Proton Bus Simulator Mods
PBSU mods: 專案

Approval from our studio is needed if you wish to use our mods
to record gameplay videos in social media platforms (i.e. YouTube, Facebook)
如果各位想使用 本 Studio 嘅 mod 錄製影片,請先得到 本 Studio 嘅批准
Please do add our website or Facebook page link if you like to
share our mods to friends or other PBSU players
希望各位能夠喺分享我哋 studio 嘅 mod 嘅同時,
可以加入我哋嘅 website or Facebook page link
Saving and sharing mods by KMB 41A Studio using own links is prohibited
KMB 41A Studio reserve the right to pursue legal actions
禁止使用自己存取嘅 link 分享我哋 studio 嘅 mod
本 studio 保留法律追究權力
PBSU mods: Quote
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